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SCOOPTRAM con solo 500 horas de uso Ref.: 1407347032324387 No. 1
Machine in Hotlist
Location of the Machine
The Machine is Located at: Mexico City, Mexico
Quote this machine to your destination
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Mexico City, Mexico
Platform Type:
Shipping Insurance:
Price of the Machine:
$ 370,000.00 USD
Total: (*)
$ 370,000.00 USD
Note: For the machines inside of Mexico, the function of Quotation isn't available yet.
Technical Specifications of the Machine
CARGADORA DE TRANSPORTE Y DESCARGA DE MINERIA SUBTERRANEA ELPHISTONE MODELO R1700-II. Con Caseta, Rops, Luces de trabajo, Neumaticos delanteros nuevos, Traseros al 50%. cucharon de 7.5yardas.