Buy at IMCMEXICO is now easier and cheap, because we support you to pay your travel tickets through our Travel Agency:
Choose your machine and quote it by yourself instantly at
Make a request and receive additional information about the machine you selected.
Buy your flight ticket, and IMCMEXICO will reimburse you 50% of your ticket, so you can visit the machine in USA.
If you prefer IMCMEXICO perform the inspection of the machine, this activity won't have cost to you.
If you decide to buy the machine, it will be delivered in 8 business days anywhere you tell us.
IMCMEXICO, is the best ally of builders because we also have support and financial advice.
Contact Info
Nuestro patio de llegada de maquinaria en el centro del país se encuentra en la carretera de cuota México-Pachuca, en el kilómetro 46. con 3 hectáreas con barda perimetral para alojar casi 100 máquinas y taller de reparaciones.